
Do you know someone or an institution that deserves to be recognized? An entity in the healthcare sector that has created impactful change within the community through catalytic multisectoral partnerships?

HIHA 2024 is your chance to let Uganda know all about your hero, your champion. You are invited to nominate someone (individual, institution, entity) who is committed to improving care, educating the public, or working on the cutting-edge healthcare innovation through collaborative strategic partnerships. These people should go above and beyond the call of duty, have an impact on the growth and development of the health sector, and impact on the community.  Well-done nominations tell a personal story of the nominee’s path to success, obstacles overcome, unique talents, etc. Use concrete examples to persuade the judges that the nominee has made a mark on the community. The best nominations are clear, short, and complete. They include specifics such as dates and growth rates that substantiate the nominee’s success.

Eligibility: These awards are open to the entire healthcare sector and collaborating entities/sectors. Candidates will be nominated by a third party by completing a nomination form on the official HIHA website. Candidates who nominate themselves will not be considered. The nominating party is limited to only one nomination. 

Process of Nomination: Award nominations can be submitted through

A 500-word write-up/executive summary must be submitted with each nomination, justifying the nomination for the award, the profile of the nominee, media write-ups, achievements, awards, accolades received, articles published, photographs, and any other relevant details. This must include specific and strong information that will allow the eminent jury to evaluate your nomination against others (what is unique or special about this nomination and why you believe it should be considered for HIHA 2024). Or, even easier, send us your video nominations via WhatsApp to +256762199227. Just grab your phone, record a short, energetic video nominating your health hero, and send it our way! Submissions will be accepted from 26th June to 15th September 2024. 

Nomination Shortlisting and Selection Process: The HIHA 2024 shortlisting process is the procedure by which the pool of nominations submitted in the open nomination phase is examined by the eminent panel of independent experts, who shortlist the entries and compile them into award categories. Shortlisting begins after nominations have closed. After the nomination period is over, a panel (comprising sector experts) will review all entries against predefined criteria and decide the winners in each of the award categories. Decisions of the eminent jury are final and will be binding on all applicants. Winners will be invited to speak about their achievements at the HIHA Gala ceremony on November 15th, 2024. These are non-monetary awards. Winners will receive a trophy of recognition. Winners will also receive travel support to attend the gala ceremony.


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