Mental Health Champion Award

Eligibility and Criteria

The Mental Health Champion Award recognizes an individual, organization, institution, or initiative that has made significant contributions to the advancement of mental health awareness, support, and care in Uganda. This category honors those who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to breaking the stigma surrounding mental health issues and have implemented effective strategies to promote mental well-being. Nominees should exemplify leadership in providing mental health education, advocacy, and services, thereby improving the lives of individuals and communities affected by mental health challenges. 

Nominees for the Mental Health Champion Award will have a proven track record of innovative and impactful mental health programs, whether through direct patient care, community outreach, policy advocacy, social behavior change, or educational initiatives. Their work should highlight the importance of mental health as an integral part of overall health and contribute to building a supportive environment where mental health needs are addressed with compassion and professionalism. This award celebrates those who are leading the charge in creating a mentally healthier Uganda. 


Previous Winners

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