Winnie Wants To See More Nurses Create Healthcare Solutions

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By Eddie Ssemakula

Winnie Nabukeera, a self-driven nurse and sonographer, came second in the HIHA Nurse of the Year category. She established the Little Winnie Foundation, an organization that provides holistic empowerment to nurses and medical professionals through soft skills, entrepreneurship, and skills development—an endeavour she regards as her greatest.

Started in 2019, Little Winnie promotes better work ethics, among other professional development pieces of training for nurses, the organization has also partnered with several sector players through their training in customer care,  soft skills, work-life balance and productivity, among others.

Winnie likes to control what she can, so her assessment of the Ugandan medical industry is measured.

“I focus on what I can change, what I can’t change, I don’t prioritize,” she remarks, “Nevertheless, we still have high patient-to-nurse ratios, and there are a lot of midwives out there to pick from, but the working conditions get poor, so government should find a way of absorbing more nurses into the system so we can curb unemployment, graduate nurses are always a good start.” she adds

In her organization, entrepreneurship among medics is a big focus,  “There are so many problems in our communities yet the national budget is limited, every health worker therefore shouldn’t  wait, they have the opportunity to make a change in their lives and even live better by  positioning themselves as experts.” She says.

Winnie believes more nurses should take the initiative and work hard to find solutions to problems. She adds “In the difficult working environment of entrepreneurship, passion is important, it is the passion that keeps you going. If you do what comes from your heart, you’ll become more creative, and the paycheck will follow that.”

Her work, empowering nurses, has also taught her about playing the long game,  specifically, testing her patience.  “What helps you work for prevention, rather than only cure, is service beyond self” she explains.

Winnie’s HIHA nomination became an opportunity for her to connect with peers and leaders in the health sector ”People now understand the work we do, this is a space every nurse can showcase their skills and knowledge, it has given me a lot of credibility.“

Her nomination helped her gain mileage in her work, and now, she’s pushing for more nurses on this often unfamiliar board, she adds,  “They (nurses) should work with a bigger why beyond clocking in and out of the hospital every day. They need to think about solutions in their community”

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