
Pharmacovigilance Award

Eligibility and Criteria The Excellence in Health Logistics Award honors an individual or organization that has demonstrated exceptional innovation, efficiency, and dedication in the management of health logistics. This award recognizes those who have significantly contributed to the seamless delivery of healthcare supplies and services, ensuring that essential medicines, equipment,…
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Pharmacist of the Year

Eligibility and Criteria The Pharmacist of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding pharmacist who has demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and impact in the field of pharmacy. Nominees should exhibit a strong commitment to improving patient care through their professional practice, showing leadership in advancing the pharmacy profession and contributing to…
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Diaspora Merit Award

Eligibility and Criteria The Diaspora Merit Award celebrates the exceptional contributions of Ugandans and friends/supporters of Uganda living abroad who have made a significant impact on the health sector in Uganda. This category recognizes individuals or organizations in the diaspora that have leveraged their skills, resources, and networks to support…
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Mental Health Champion Award

Eligibility and Criteria The Mental Health Champion Award recognizes an individual, organization, institution, or initiative that has made significant contributions to the advancement of mental health awareness, support, and care in Uganda. This category honors those who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to breaking the stigma surrounding mental health issues and…
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Life Time Achievement Award

Eligibility and Criteria The Lifetime Achievement Award is a prestigious honor recognizing an individual who has dedicated their life to improving healthcare in Uganda. This award celebrates a remarkable career of sustained commitment, exceptional contributions, and outstanding leadership in the health sector. The recipient of this award is someone who…
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Excellence in Health Academia Award

Eligibility and Criteria Celebrates individuals or institutions in the academic community who have significantly advanced health education, research, and practice. This award honors educators, researchers, and academic leaders for their exceptional dedication to improving health sciences education, conducting groundbreaking research, and mentoring future healthcare professionals. Nominees are expected to demonstrate…
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Excellence in Health Logistics Award

Eligibility and Criteria The Excellence in Health Logistics Award honors an individual or organization that has demonstrated exceptional innovation, efficiency, and dedication in the management of health logistics. This award recognizes those who have significantly contributed to the seamless delivery of healthcare supplies and services, ensuring that essential medicines, equipment,…
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Midwife of the Year

Eligibility and Criteria The Midwife of the Year Award honors an outstanding midwife who has demonstrated exceptional skill, dedication, and compassion in maternal and newborn care. This award recognizes a midwife whose expertise and unwavering commitment to the health and well-being of mothers and infants have set a benchmark for…
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Nurse of the Year

Eligibility and Criteria The Nurse of the Year Award is presented to a distinguished nurse who exemplifies exceptional dedication, skill, and compassion in the field of healthcare. This award recognizes a nurse whose commitment to patient care, clinical excellence, and leadership has set a standard of excellence within the nursing…
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Media Excellence in Health

Eligibility and Criteria The Media in Excellence Award recognizes exceptional contributions by media professionals and outlets that have demonstrated outstanding dedication to advancing public health awareness and education. This award honors those who have utilized their platforms to inform, engage, and empower the public on critical health issues, ensuring that…
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