Dr Bahendeka, Curbing Lifestyle Ailments At All Costs

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  • Dr Bahendeka, Curbing Lifestyle Ailments At All Costs

By Eddie Ssemakula

The African continent is plagued with lifestyle diseases, making professional interventions imperative. Despite growing up in a small hamlet in southwest Uganda called Mushanga, Dr Bahendeka has become one of the most exceptional diabetes experts.

a professor at Uganda Martyrs University and Mother Kevin Post Graduate Medical School, as well as the chair of the East African Diabetes Study Group and a diabetes advisor to the Ugandan government. As previously mentioned, he has the opportunity to enhance his skills in the most needed sector due to the numerous lifestyle illness concerns across the continent.

For instance, he has been identified as an academic researcher from Uganda Martyrs University in other places. he has authored contributions to studies on diabetes mellitus and medicine. co-authoring 73 publications that have received 1000 citations and have an index of 16. Additionally, he was formerly affiliated with Saint Francis University.

Part of his work includes analysing fasting blood glucose (FBG) and other data collected as part of a population-based nationwide non-communicable disease risk factor survey, to estimate the prevalence of impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG) and diabetes mellitus and to identify associated factors in Uganda.

He has also documented Implementing digital systems in diabetes care in low-income and middle-income countries: successes and challenges.

His work remains formidable, especially in a context where sub-Saharan Africa registers a high number of diabetes and other lifestyle disease victims, a predicament that calls for devoted practitioners on the continent.

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