HIHA 2024


26th June to 15th September 2024

Celebrating 5 Years

About Heroes in Health Awards

Highlighting remarkable contributions in the field of health

The Heroes in Health (HIHA) Awards is a Public-Private Partnership project instituted in 2019 by the Ministry of Health with the support of Xtraordinary Media. HIHA is a rewards initiative instituted to recognize outstanding individuals, entities, organizations, services, products, and programs.

This is a public choice award, where members of the public will nominate and vote their heroes. The strategic objective is that by shining light on their outstanding contributions; individual, community, nonprofit, public and private players in the health sector will be rallied to innovate, serve the public better and to embrace global trends in the delivery of efficient healthcare to Uganda’s citizens.

award categories

The overall goal of the awards is to change perceptions of Uganda’s health sector performance by showcasing exceptional role models and generating positive conversations about the societal impact they create in communities.

HIHA since 2019

Facts & Figures



10 +


100 +


1 +

Event Attendees

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.